Monday, June 24, 2013

Waseda University - IMAGE

Waseda University

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Nelson Mandela photos

  1. A "Free Mandela" protest in Berlin, 1986 - IMAGE
  2. Cape Town mural of the 1994 election - IMAGE
  3. De Klerk and Mandela shake hands at the World Economic Forum, 1992 - IMAGE
  4. Flag of South Africa, adopted April 1994 - IMAGE
  5. Mandela Family Museum, Soweto - IMAGE
  6. Mandela moved into the Presidential Office of Tuynhuys, Cape Town - IMAGE
  7. Mandela on a 1988 Soviet commemorative stamp - IMAGE
  8. Mandela on a visit to Brazil in 1998 - IMAGE
  9. Mandela visiting the London School of Economics in 2000 - IMAGE
  10. Mandela with US President Bill Clinton - IMAGE
  11. Mandela with wife Graça Machel and Indian guru Sri Chinmoy - IMAGE
  12. Mandela's cell and the prison yard at Robben Island, where he was imprisoned - IMAGE
  13. Monument erected in 1996 marking the site where Mandela was arrested near Howick, KwaZulu-Natal - IMAGE
  14. Nelson Mandela - IMAGE
  15. Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg - IMAGE
  16. Nelson Mandela Gardens in Leeds - IMAGE
  17. Nelson Mandela and Evelyn in 1944 - IMAGE
  18. Nelson Mandela, circa 1937 - IMAGE
  19. Shell House in Johannesburg, which became ANC headquarters in 1991 - IMAGE
  20. Statue of Mandela in Parliament Square, London - IMAGE
  21. The thatched room at Liliesleaf Farm, where Mandela hid - IMAGE
  22. The tri-colour flag of the African National Congress - IMAGE


